Saturday, October 27, 2007
48 (+1) Hour Flick Fest
The media and the message
"Silencing dissentAs someone who has been following the University's site selection very closely, I was interested in finding out what our resident automotive journalist had to say about the topic in his U of W Engineering Bldg Won't Fit Downtown Site blog entry. But lo and behold - it dissappeared from the Windsor Star's blog pages.
A word to the wise to all the Editors at the Windsor Star, City Hall and anywhere else that someone might be inclined to alter what's been posted on the Internet..."
Now, thanks to the Shadow's advanced google-foo, we have access to the blog entry the Windsor Star appears to have tried to suppress.
Welcome to the Urban Design Idea Factory
I know that I am at my creative best when I'm surrounded by people who thrive on creativity and are not afraid to put their ideas out there on the chopping block of public scrutiny. The scariest thing in the world is to expose your thoughts and ideas to comment and ridicule. It is by far easier when you're amongst others who take those chances right along side of you. That's what SDW wants to be - your safe-haven for creative urban design comradery.
One of our regular readers, AC, sent me his thoughts and ideas regarding the abandoned Transit Windsor depot and has agreed to let me publish his plans here. I think he is on the right path when advocating for facilities for local artists and a permanent downtown farmer's market. Let's hear what you think. (Thanks to Andrew at International Metropolis for the original photo AC used in his work)
Click on the above image for a larger photo of AC's plans for the depot.
- repaved lot to house outdoor market (including underneath overhang) to house fresh fruit & veggie vendors, fresh flowers, apparel, food vendors, etc.
-green upper roofs
-small outdoor restaurant on top of overhang, make it so that the fruits and veggies are fresh and only from the vendors in the market below
-overhanging lights between the tunnel ventilation building and the bus depot
-the rear of the building (west side) can be left vacant and used for loading and unloading.
-trees and benches line the "inner" walkway
It could really be a boost for that area of downtown and even give a link between the casino and the main strip. After admitting that the tunnel stacks concentrate the pollution in that area, they possibly couldn't turn down a green roof either.
So, get thinking of ways to improve this community yourself and send them in. We citizens can be the default planners for this community until our politicians find the testicular fortitude to start planning for a creative future.
Ross Paul is wrong
Kudos to Mark Boscariol
Hear ye, hear ye...
The CAW Windsor Regional Environment Council and the Canadian Detroit RiverKeeper have partnered with the Amadiyya Muslim Students Association to host Saving the Environment- What Faith Tells Us. This Interfaith symposium will feature speakers from Muslim, Christian, Hindu and the Jewish faiths. It is being held at the University of Windsor, Vanier Hall at 6 PM on Thursday, November 8th. Please join us to hear a faith-based perspective on the challenges facing humankind and our planet.
Also from the Canadian Detroit RiverKeepers...
Robert Kennedy Jr. will be speaking at Wayne State University November 2nd from 6-8pm. The RiverKeepers have organized a bus which, as of this email, has about 20 open seats. If you would like to get on-board please contact Kelly St. Pierre by clicking on her name.
The speaking event is free and open (I'm not 100% sure about the bus). If you want to go and hear Robert Kennedy Jr speak, you must pre-register at