I thought that a discussion in a previous thread warranted a new post.
The DWBIA made business recruitment the #1 priority for 2008. This was after creating a plan to move forward. Previously, we all wanted this but had no plan of action. This still follows the International Downtown Association's advised plan for Windsor's downtown. Its based on a heirarchy of needs. I don't think much of the public, (or even our membership) is aware that we are following a plan laid out by recognized international experts
First Clean and Safe - accomplished with streetcleaners, gum and graffitti removal security cameras and the establishment of a Hospitality Resource Panel to work with the bar owners
Second - Infrastructure - "take 3-4 blocks of your downtown and make them the nicest in the world". Streetscape will soon be complete on Ouellette from Riverside to Park. Decoration of that streetscape includes: led "wave" lights in the streetlights, led lights on all large trees, flower planters ordered for spring, directional signage manual waiting approval at planning (held up to ensure consistency with convention center) New directional signage will eliminate sign clutter and create sense of place.
Third - Business and Residential Recruitment. - with work in progress on items that follow, resources can now be allocated to this. Districting and facade incentives were the first two items
Fourth - Marketing - branding begun on the Downtown Mosaic, most marketing efforts tied in with business recruitment efforts
Fifth - Events - decision to minimize expenses on this until further ahead on the first four. Will facilitate events by businesses through contribution to street closure.
The DWBIA has a long term plan for downtown and so far we are not being swayed off course by reactive measures.
The DWBIA did a merchandising study by one of North America's leading consultants that said Districting would be the first and best way to lure retailers. Visit the DWBIA website to learn about the districts at http://www.downtownwindsor.ca/ . I am extremely proud of the video that was produced to get our message across. click on the bottom left to view it.
Clustering like minded Retailers is what needs to be done and districting can help that. I can't help but think that American Apparal could have easily been a success had it located near similar type stores (next to capish bling bling, or on Avenue South near more younger bars)
Districting will help direct retailers to cluster in areas that are more appropriate. Galleries in the Arts or on the Avenue. retailers marketing to youth on avenue south. Residential support businesses such as food, specialty wine on the West Village or the Square
Second, and more tangeable, the DWBIA is offering $10,000 facade grants ($15,000 if you're on a corner) to fix up the outside of your bldg. That is an incentive that is not offered anywhere else in the city other than downtown. This grant can be used for business retention as well as business recruitment. Check out the fresh fronts campaign
After that it's just getting the word out