Monday, December 3, 2007

AM800's Jason Moore "Hearts" bloggers

Do you think AM 800's Jason Moore was talking about us? Nah, couldn't be. Who do you think he was talking about when his on-air commentary today derided certain "bloggers" as being too negative?
I'll let you listen and make up your own mind.

In the meantime, let's get back to work, shall we? There's so few people in this city willing to speak up and put their necks on the line, we don't have time to just lay around complaining about everything.

What was Dennis DesRosiers saying when he accused the local media of keeping their heads in the sand? For some reason, I can't remember. Maybe it was the lack of news coverage.


Mark Boscariol said...

I guess that my previous post was not a minority opinion.

Proof again that great minds think alike!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Moore should just stick to his commentaries considering his job is not associated with that of the rest of Windsor. His will continue to function while many in this city will continue to lose.

Earth to Mr. Moore. This ISN'T 1963 and this time it SIN'T cyclical no matter how much you want to believe it is, it just isn't. I know, I am about 1.5 years ahead of what economic downturn (or upturn) there for Windsor in my profession.

What is a joke is that we now have radios spewing forth the very thing that we shouldn't be. That is, positive affirmation to make all of the bad, scary things go away. Stuart Smalley would be proud!

Mr. Moore, maybe you drank the kool aid but for the rest of us the water costs are still too high.

Anonymous said...

In 1963 there were no Toyotas and Hondas in North America. In 1966 when they started to trickle in they proved to be quite unreliable. They Big Three literally owned all market share back then. Today they are lucky if they own 20%. Different times and different world. Accept that Jason and you won't feel the need to do the mandatory ra, ra for your employer. There are other advertisers aside from the City of Windsor and the WUC you know.