Monday, January 28, 2008

Raise the Hammer

In my post on Saturday I misrepresented Ryan McGreal and It is not Ryan McGreal's personal blog. They are a group, very similar to ours, from Hamilton. They have been working on the same type of issues since 2004.

Ryan says, that he will write a blog about in the near future. I would encourage everyone to visit and see how another group in another city is getting on.

Editorial Staff
Editor: Ryan McGreal
Associate Editor: Adrian Duyzer
Graphic Design: Trevor Shaw
Contributing Editors
Accidental Activist: Ben Bull
Photo Essay: Mark Fenton
Downtown Bureau: Jason Leach
Ideas: Ted Mitchell
Suburban Bureau: Trevor Shaw
Entertainment: Kevin Somers


Anonymous said...


I did not see an e-mail to send to someone so I'll post this link.

Councillor seeks drive-thru ban

What are your comments/views? Evidently businesses would be grandfathered in.

Chris Holt said...

D. Rock - We have written extensively about our position on drive thrus. Needless to say, we are not in favour of allowing more developed in our city. With our infamy as the Cancer Capital of Canada, coupled with the established ramifications of drive-thrus, it is clear the only ones benefitting from them are the business owners.

Check out Mike Kakuk - Enviro-Luddite and the downtown BK ordeal to find out what the writers and readers of Scale Down think about Drive Thrus. If you have any other views that may augment the discussion - please bring them forward!

Anonymous said...

If drive-thrus could operate efficiently and quickly without impacting the neighbourhood, things would be fine. But most drive-thrus comprise long slow moving lines of idling vehicles, which often spill out onto the street. Once drivers have been served, they will run over anything that gets in their way as they re-enter traffic.

Drivethrus have absolutely no place in urban settings, although I can think of a few in sprawlville I can tolerate - being built in such a way as traffic is marshalled inside their property, not on the road, and dual lines to keep vehicles moving and out.

This bylaw itself sounds good except for the grandfathering part. Our urban areas have already been infiltrated by drive-thrus. We need to get rid of them, not just ban future ones.